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Ginseng Flower Tea
Ginseng Flower Tea
Ginseng flower is sweet and cold in nature. It is able to defuse body heat and increase our body energy.
The flower contains saponin, a component which makes Ginseng flower so valuable as the component is used to produce high quality and healthy Ginseng tea.
The uniqueness of the product:
  Our ginseng flower is plucked from a four-year-old ginseng. 70g of ginseng flower produces only 1g of ginseng tea.
  Does not contain caffeine, but will improve and strengthen our body energy and hence our immune system.
  Ginseng contains various elements, but it will not generate body heat.

Our ginseng flower has been endorsed by Taiwanese biotechnology research center to lower down the cholesterol levels in the body.

Dangers of high cholesterol
  High cholesterol will cause plaques formed inside human's blood vessel. The plaques will increase in size with time and may obstruct blood vessels.
  The blockage will create many problems depending on which part of the body. For example, blockage in the heart of will cause heart disease, brain blood vessel blockage will cause stork, blockage in the eyes causes vision loss. Recent studies have shown cholesterol is likely to cause cancer too.

Those who should try our products:
  Those who always work for long hours, our products are able to dissipate body heat.
  Those who face the obesity problem, our products can lower down cholesterol level.
  For students and long hours working groups, our products can raise awareness and increase energy.
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